
Be Counted.

Table of Contents

A retail inventory count is a crucial part of running a successful business. You can do
them in-house, but it’s more accurate and convenient if you hire an expert company
to do the job. Not only will they have highly trained staff, but they will also have the
processes and technology to give you data-driven results.

A professional inventory service company will happily answer any questions about
your count results. In fact, we believe that the count isn’t complete until you are
100% satisfied with the report that we present to you on completion.

We Welcome Questions About Your Retail Inventory Count

At Monarch, our clients are always welcome to ask about the count results. If you
have questions once the count is complete, you can call or contact our office, and we
will happily work through the report with you. We are here to help find a solution if
there are any problems.

The Count Isn’t Complete Until You’re Satisfied

Monarch is a company that prioritizes people over profit which means that we go
above and beyond simply doing a physical inventory count. We build relationships
with our customers, and we are there to improve their stock management and
provide them with industry tips and strategies to get the most out of their retail

That means we only leave your store once you are 100% satisfied with the results.
We will review all the paperwork with you and ensure you align with what we are
explaining. For many small stores, retail inventory counts can be a new experience,
and there might be areas you need clarification on.

We also do a final store walk-through to ensure everything was captured. Our
system for doing this is basic but effective. We use green inventory tags to show the
areas that have been counted. That means that we can easily spot areas without
green tags at the final walk-through and ensure they have been captured correctly.
Once all the items have been entered into our system, we generate a report you can
compare against your POS system. Before we leave, every part of the report will be

thoroughly explained to you. Our technology also immediately clarifies any errors,
making it easy to identify stock variances and other issues.

Common Questions About Retail Inventory Count Results

The most common question about retail inventory counts is why the result is so high
or so low. This is because some people don’t realize what stock they have in a
specific area which is why retail counts are so valuable. Some clients have asked for
a recount because they are unhappy with the results, and we are always happy to do

Another common question is how we break out our departments. The departments
for counts differ based on the client’s information. We then assign a three-digit
number to whatever the department description is. That way, you will see your
margin, and the reports we provide you will show the value at cost and retail of that
department. The information will also allow you to see the stock quantity on hand.
For example, some items, like cigarettes, can be counted individually at cost, but
they can also be broken out by major brands.

Trust Monarch with Your Inventory Count

Monarch has the team and the technology to offer adaptable and customized counts.
We are also happy to answer any questions about your count results. But, because
our process is rigid and our technology versatile, the results are accurate and easy
to understand.

Our customers are important to us, so if you have questions about a retail inventory
count, contact our team to discuss it further.

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Tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed. Magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris.

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