
Be Counted.

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A sample physical inventory count is a great way to assess whether you need a larger scanning audit. A full physical count can be time-consuming and even require shutdown time. A sample count allows you to target an area of stock without too much interruption to your business.

What is a Sample Physical Inventory Count?

Many customers aren’t sold on having a full team come in for a physical inventory count.

There are a few factors for this.

  • Cause shut down time
  • Preparation time
  • Lack of organization
  • Cost

A sample count is a fantastic option for companies not ready to commit to a full inventory count. When we do a sample count, we take a smaller amount of a client’s inventory to be counted so that they can understand the stock levels and any issues.

Benefits of a Sample Inventory Count?

#1 Target an SKU

When doing a sample count, clients can pick an SKU they want to keep track of. This is often an item they know might have some inventory control problems.

#2 No Downtime

The sample count doesn’t require a full operational shutdown. Instead, we can shut down the location we will be inventorying for a few hours.

#3 Pick High-Priced Items

Clients can choose to perform a sample inventory count on high-priced items. These items will hurt your bottom line if mismanaged or missing.

Is a Sample Count Worth It?

Whether or not a sample count is worth the time depends on the size of the company. For example, a sample count is valuable if you use a 3PL or have a smaller inventory. Big businesses often have an inventory department that has identified problem areas and would like a full count rather than a sample count.

We can do the sample physical inventory count on paper or using our processes and equipment. The great thing about a sample count is that it allows our clients to have a full count at a later stage. Full counts are often popular at the end of the year, particularly for tax purposes.

A sample count may reveal significant variances, which could prompt companies to do a full count. If you are on a tight budget, doing a sample count is a more cost-effective way of getting some inventory done. For example, companies choose to do a few sample counts throughout the year, with one full physical inventory count at the end of the year.

Choose Monarch for Your Inventory Count Needs

At Monarch, we provide turnkey inventory solutions for our clients. We can just as easily perform a small sample count on targeted items as a full physical inventory of your warehouse. The process is the same, and we give each of our clients the time and attention they deserve, regardless of the project size.

Our service team can assist if you want to perform a sample count but need help figuring out where to start. We will find out more about your inventory and management processes before putting together an estimate. If you have never done a sample count before and are struggling to choose an item to inventory, we recommend going with your most popular items. Having accurate data on your best-selling items is key for a successful business. A sample count can help you understand more about your top products.

Do You Need a Sample Physical Inventory Count?

If you are concerned about your stock but don’t feel ready to commit to a full physical inventory count, why not try a sample count? It is a low-pressure way to get some inventory done, and it can tell you a lot about your stock and management systems.

Contact our team for a free estimate on a sample physical inventory count.

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