Manhattan KS Inventory Counting Services

Your Professional Inventory Auditing Company in Manhattan, KS

Inventory Counting Services Near Manhattan

For owners of small or medium-sized businesses in the Manhattan area, or for those operating and managing warehouse operations on a day-to-day basis, periodic inventory audits can be one of the most stressful times. They can also become one of the most unproductive times if you are using in-house talent to help complete your inventory counts. This is because not only are that personnel tasked with their normal duties, but they have to help with inventory as well, leaving them unable to fully focus on either task. This can be stressful and incredibly disruptive, even at the best of times, and it’s why you should consider partnering with a local expert in outsourced inventory counting services.

Monarch Inventory Services is built on the goal of giving you the most efficient and accurate inventory counts, across a wide range of potential retail and warehousing environments. We do what we’re best at, and count your inventory so that you can focus on what you’re best at, satisfying your customers. To accomplish this, our inventory teams are equipped with industry-leading, proprietary software, and hardware that we have designed specifically to allow our teams to capture the required inventory counts at your location. No matter the size or scope of your operation, from small convenience or liquor stores to national chains, on-site storage, or warehouses with millions of square feet, we can adapt to your operation to give you the inventory counts you need to be successful.

Inventory Counting Services Near Manhattan

Manhattan is a prime location for small to mid-sized businesses like retail locations and liquor stores, as well as for high square footage warehousing operations that move millions of products each year. Monarch Inventory Services was founded in 1985 to provide reliable, accurate, and rapid inventory counts for those growing organizations. After starting with small convenience stores, we scaled up our operations to be able to provide inventory solutions for the manufacturing and distribution sectors as well. We continuously cultivate leading best practices and engage each situation as a unique opportunity to succeed.

For smaller businesses, particularly those still in the growth stage, having an updated and accurate inventory is crucial to being able to fulfill customer orders while also avoiding keeping too much stock on hand. Even though your inventory is an asset, that asset comes with significant liability if you need to store and safeguard it. If you operate a smaller location, on-site storage space is often at an extreme premium, and ordering more than you need can lead to cluttered space and damaged products, resulting in lower revenue and reduced profits.

Monarch provides the vital inventory services that can help your organization safeguard itself against under and over-ordering, keeping you from paying for items you don’t yet need while making sure that your best-sellers are always in stock. Monarch considers all of their employees and customers to be part of our family, which means they all get the same top-tier service and attention, whether they operate a tiny shop or a massive retail

Manhattan Convenience Store Inventory Counting Services

For the owners and managers of Manhattan-area convenience stores, performing regular inventory audits is incredibly important. It may be one of the least favorite things for store staff to have to do, but it is essential for giving insight into the operations and profitability of the store. Partnering with an inventory counting service like Monarch lets you get the accurate and timely counts you need, without taking your staff away from the positions they were hired for.

Keeping an accurate inventory is especially crucial for small businesses or those that are independently owned. Loss from theft and ordering issues can become incredibly significant and can result in rapidly-shrinking profit margins. The problem of under and over-ordering is most prevalent in convenience stores and liquor stores, both of which tend to operate without additional, outside storage, and frequently store excess stock on-site. This can be very important during seasonal transitions where product packaging may differ considerably just a month or two after ordering.

Liquor Store Inventory Company Near Manhattan

Liquor stores often face many of their own unique challenges in keeping accurate and intelligent inventory. Liquor stores are often much smaller businesses that don’t have the financial resources to continually absorb lost, damaged, or outdated inventory. Many liquor stores simply assume that they cannot afford to outsource their inventory services, but in reality, many of them can’t afford to. 

The improvements in profitability are often one of the biggest benefits that liquor stores generally notice when using a counting service. If you feel like your business could benefit from having an accurate, up-to-date inventory count, reach out to Monarch and discuss your business’s needs with one of our inventory professionals.

Manhattan Warehouse Inventory Counting Services

Running a warehouse can be very different from operating a retail location, and keeping accurate counts is just as important. Additionally, when you hire personnel to work the warehouse, they have duties they need to fulfill, and using them for inventory counts can mean you don’t get accurate or timely results for either task. Monarch is uniquely understanding of the challenges faced by modern warehousing operations and has the tools and experience you need to make your operations more efficient and accurate. If your business is still growing, making sure your warehouse inventory is accurate can be a make-or-break factor in your organization’s success.

One of the biggest reasons that Monarch is able to lead the industry in fast and accurate inventory counts is that we have developed custom and proprietary software and hardware solutions that help us engage each of our projects. Our technology can be adapted to nearly any industry and situation and can be used to provide a streamlined inventory solution for your warehouse operations. We can keep up with your fast-paced environment, so that you have continuous, detailed insight into your inventory counts, trends, and data, and our top-tier analytics can give you the tools you need to optimize your operations even further while still keeping accuracy over 99%.

Your Inventory Service Questions Answered

Get answers to your most common questions from Monarch

How do I know I need a third-party inventory company?

Bringing in a third-party inventory company can be a big decision. Some signs that you may need some external help include shipping inaccuracies, location level issues, increase in write-offs, or labor shortages. These challenges do not often get better with time. Having an objective party come in to address these concerns and get you back on track can be hugely beneficial.

How do I choose an inventory company?
Choosing the right inventory company to bring in is easy when you identify the driving factors behind the need and ask the right questions. It’s important to know what experience the company has in environments similar to yours, what collection and verification processes are used, how they handle challenges, and how much oversight you’ll need to provide. As a service based business, don’t forget to ask about the type of people and staff they provide. The best technology and processes are meaningless if their people are unprofessional, lack commitment, and have poor attitudes.
What’s included in a price quote from Monarch?

We provide a variety of price quotes depending upon the project, service type, and market segment.  During our initial conversations we will gather the specific details about your project and using our past experiences will estimate time and costs.  We will put together a price quote that helps you establish a budgetary plan and aligns with how you conduct business. We will include staffing requirements based upon scope and time constraints.  You will be given a clear picture of what to expect, and we take pride in getting our quotes correct. 

Do you use temp labor or hire to staff?

Everyone we put on a service initiative or project team are direct hires of Monarch.  Temporary labor introduces too much inconsistency, not to mention a lack of commitment, to your mission.  Your goals are simply too important to do something like this.   With regards to booking a project or service and then triggering our human resources department to “hire to staff”, this can also introduce unknown variables into your planning efforts.   For example, rapid changes in the hiring dynamics could affect our ability to meet the target team size.  Additionally, this practice has the potential to lead to “over selling”, and you could be the customer that is not at the top of the priority list and have your project cut at the last minute.  We have a staff plan that aligns with our growth goals, and we hire to that plan.  We are up front with you about what we can and can’t do in terms of staffing your project.